
Sri Lanka Imposes New Trade Controls on Metal Scrap Exports

Sri Lanka is set to enforce new trade regulations that will make exporting metal scrap illegal without a proper licensing system, according to a statement from the Finance Ministry. The upcoming measures will prohibit the export of metal, iron, related equipment, and scrap without a license.

Future metal exports will require recommendations from the Ministry of Industry. This announcement followed discussions between metal workers, Ministry of Industry officials, and Customs officials.

The ban will cover copper, brass, aluminum, cast iron, white iron, and high carbon steels. The statement did not specify which groups would benefit or be disadvantaged by these controls.

Currently, metal scrap is collected by individuals using small trucks and push carts, who then sell it to larger collectors for cash. The impact of the export ban on market prices and the earnings of these collectors remains uncertain. Additionally, aluminum and metal cans in the environment pose a health risk as potential breeding grounds for dengue mosquitoes.

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