On Thursday, Sri Lanka’s rupee showed a slight improvement, opening at 301.75/302.50 against the US dollar, compared to the previous day’s rate of 302.00/40, according to dealers. Concurrently, bond yields saw an upward trend.
Notable changes were observed in bond yields, with a bond maturing on 15.12.2026 quoted at 10.10/20 percent, up from 9.90/10.05 percent. Similarly, bonds maturing on 15.09.2027 and 15.03.2028 were quoted higher at 10.30/50 percent and 10.70/80 percent respectively, compared to earlier rates.
In the Colombo Stock Exchange, positive momentum was evident as the All Share Price Index rose by 0.40 percent to reach 12,340, while the S&P SL20 increased by 0.48 percent to reach 3,654.