
Positive Shift in Pharmaceutical Availability: Out-of-Stock Medications Reduced to Less than 100

The Sunday Morning has learned that the number of out-of-stock pharmaceuticals in Sri Lanka has dipped below 100 for the first time in several years. Dr. Chamil Wijesinghe, the Media Spokesman for the Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA), confirmed this information, stating that the Medical Supplies Division (MSD) currently lists only 58 out-of-stock medicines, despite

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Breaking News Global News

Surgeons perform first combined heart pump and pig kidney transplant

A groundbreaking medical milestone was achieved at NYU Langone Health with the completion of the first transplant surgery combining a mechanical heart pump and a gene-edited pig kidney. Lisa Pisano, a 54-year-old from New Jersey, became the recipient of this innovative procedure due to her heart failure and end-stage kidney disease, which necessitated routine dialysis.

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