Industry Analysis

Soaring High: Sri Lanka’s Thriving Air Travel Industry

Sri Lanka’s air travel industry is experiencing a significant upswing, as evidenced by the impressive statistics for the first two months of 2024. By the end of February, Sri Lankan airports had recorded a substantial 1,602,417 international passenger movements, indicating a strong travel year ahead. This number is particularly noteworthy when compared to the same period in 2023. Eng. Athula Galketiya, the Chairman of Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Pvt) Limited, highlighted this positive trend, reporting an increase of approximately 40.39% in international passenger movements compared to 2023.

The growth isn’t limited to passengers; there’s a corresponding rise in air traffic as well. Sri Lanka’s airports witnessed a commendable 8,946 international aircraft movements in the same period, reflecting a significant increase of approximately 30.77% over 2023. This surge in both passenger and aircraft movements paints a promising picture for Sri Lanka’s tourism industry, which heavily relies on air travel.

Furthermore, the figures reveal a remarkable 104.65% increase in tourist arrivals by air for the first two months of 2024 compared to 2023. This translates to a total of 425,532 tourists arriving in Sri Lanka by air by the end of February 2024. The combined growth in passenger movements, aircraft movements, and tourist arrivals signifies a thriving air travel industry in Sri Lanka, poised for continued success in 2024.