Finance Industry Analysis

Central Bank of Sri Lanka Calls for Public Input on Proposed Amendments to Finance Leasing Act

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is seeking public feedback on proposed amendments to the Finance Leasing Act (FLA), inviting individuals to submit their observations and suggestions by May 31, 2024. With a focus on enhancing the protection of finance leasing customers and aligning regulations with industry advancements, the Central Bank aims to update the FLA accordingly. Stakeholders are encouraged to share their insights via mail, fax, or email, addressing their correspondence to the Department of Supervision of Non-Bank Financial Institutions at the Central Bank’s headquarters in Colombo.

The draft amendments to the FLA are accessible to the public, providing transparency and facilitating informed feedback from stakeholders. This initiative underscores the Central Bank’s commitment to regulatory transparency and responsiveness to industry dynamics. By engaging with the public and soliciting input, the Central Bank seeks to ensure that the proposed amendments effectively address the evolving needs and challenges of the finance leasing sector while upholding consumer protection standards.

Interested parties are urged to participate in this consultation process by submitting their observations and comments before the deadline. The Central Bank values public input and aims to incorporate constructive feedback into the final amendments, fostering a regulatory framework that promotes financial stability and consumer confidence in the finance leasing industry.