- Average Price Increase: 1.5% to 77,314 rupees per 1,000 nuts at the June 13th auction.
- Overall Increase: 20% increase compared to May prices.
- Price Range: Highest price was 86,200 rupees per 1,000 nuts, lowest was 66,000 rupees.
- Wholesale Prices: Large nuts – 95-110 rupees, Small nuts – 85-90 rupees (per nut, week ending June 13th).
- Farmgate Prices (Kurunegala): 72,000-75,000 rupees per 1,000 nuts.
- Other Coconut Products:
- Coconut Oil: 570,000-610,000 rupees per metric ton.
- Coconut Shells: 32,000-34,000 rupees per metric ton.
This data suggests a positive trend for Sri Lanka’s coconut industry. It would be helpful to monitor future trends to see if this increase sustains.