
Sri Lanka Coconut Prices Down 4.6% at Auction

Sri Lanka’s average coconut prices fell by 4.6% to 79,599 rupees per 1,000 nuts at the July 4 auction, down from 83,443 rupees, ending seven weeks of gains, according to data from the Coconut Development Authority.

  • Highest Price: 94,000 rupees per 1,000 nuts (down from 95,000 rupees)
  • Lowest Price: 70,000 rupees (down from 77,000 rupees)

A total of 822,889 coconuts were offered, with 773,377 sold.

Prices Overview:

  • Wholesale Prices:
  • Large nuts: 95 to 110 rupees each
  • Small nuts: 85 to 90 rupees each (week ending June 20)
  • Farmgate Prices in Kurunegala: 75,000 – 80,000 rupees per 1,000 nuts
  • Coconut Oil: 710,000 – 750,000 rupees per metric ton
  • Coconut Shells: 30,000 – 31,000 rupees per metric ton