
FAO’s Good Agricultural Practices Programme Boosts Crop Yields and Farmer Incomes in Sri Lanka

A Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) programme led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is transforming Sri Lankan agriculture by modernizing farming techniques and boosting crop yields. Through this initiative, 645 farmers across three districts received training, equipment, and technical support to enhance their cultivation practices, resulting in bumper crops and increased incomes.

The GAP programme, funded by the United Nations Sri Lanka Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Fund, was launched in response to the country’s food security challenges amidst the economic crisis. Farmers were provided with an agriculture kit, including drip irrigation systems, plastic mulch, and insect-proof netting, which reduced cultivation costs and optimized the use of resources like fertilizers, pesticides, and water.

The programme also featured comprehensive training in GAP principles, covering environmental sustainability, food safety, and economic viability, through a Farmer Field School (FFS). This training equipped farmers with the knowledge needed for national GAP certification and enabled them to effectively implement modern agricultural technologies, leading to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.