Current Exchange Rates for Sri Lankan Rupee
1 Pound Sterling = 392.97 Sri Lankan Rupees1 United States Dollar = 303.95 Sri Lankan Rupees1 Singapore Dollar = 226.10 Sri Lankan Rupees1.
Reporting on stock market trends, bond yields, commodity prices, and currency exchange rates, along with analysis of how these factors impact investors and businesses.
1 Pound Sterling = 392.97 Sri Lankan Rupees1 United States Dollar = 303.95 Sri Lankan Rupees1 Singapore Dollar = 226.10 Sri Lankan Rupees1.
Sri Lanka’s rupee strengthened to 303.15/30 against the US dollar on Monday, according to dealers. The currency had closed at 303.55/65 on Friday..
As of July 22, 2024, gold prices in Sri Lanka are as follows: Gold Prices by Unit:
The Colombo Stock Exchange closed lower on Thursday, with the broader All Share Index falling by 0.52 percent, or 62.03 points, to 11,768..
Sri Lanka’s rupee opened stronger at 303.50/80 to the US dollar on Friday, dealers said. Bond yields were up and stocks rose by.
As of July 19, 2024, the price for 22 Carat gold in Sri Lanka is Rs. 193,850 for 8 grams (1 pawn). The.
Sri Lanka’s rupee opened flat at 303.80/304.10 to the US dollar on Thursday, maintaining the same level as the previous day’s close of.
The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) saw its net foreign inflow surpass the Rs. 3 billion mark for July, despite a bearish outlook from.
The gold prices in Sri Lanka for today are as follows: