
Ceylon Chamber Applauds National Digital Economy Strategy

The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce has emphasized the crucial importance of implementing the National Digital Economy Strategy 2030 with active involvement from the government and collaboration with industry stakeholders. In a press release, the Chamber highlighted the significance of the Digital Economy as a pivotal driver for Sri Lanka’s economic growth acceleration. The recently unveiled National Digital Economy Strategy 2030, published by the Ministry of Technology, presents a roadmap aimed at unlocking the vast potential of the digital economy.

The strategy focuses on several key areas essential for digital transformation, including the enhancement of digital infrastructure, implementation of Digital ID, strengthening cybersecurity legislation, fostering connected digital government services, and upgrading digital skills across government and industry sectors. These policy areas have long been advocated by the Chamber, particularly emphasizing the swift implementation of the Digital ID system.

The Chamber actively participated in the consultation process during the drafting of the strategy, contributing through representation in the High-Level Officers Committee coordinated by the Secretary to the Prime Minister. Further input and guidance were provided through the Chamber’s Digital Economy committee. With the strategy document now open for public and stakeholder review, the Chamber sees an opportunity for continued engagement to bolster the strategy and refine the plan of action.

While recognizing the importance of formulating strategic plans, the Chamber underscores the critical need for effective policy implementation. The strategy document delineates an institutional framework for implementation along with a proposed action plan. It is imperative that these plans are executed with strong ownership from the government and active collaboration with industry stakeholders to ensure the successful realization of the National Digital Economy Strategy 2030’s objectives.