Sri Lanka’s rupee opened weaker on Tuesday, quoted at a wide range of 296.00/297.00 to the US dollar, compared to the previous day’s 295.20/296.00. Dealers noted a slight increase in bond yields, with several maturities showing a marginal uptick.
The bond maturing on 15.12.2026 was quoted at 9.45/55 percent, up from 9.40/55 percent. The bond maturing on 15.10.2027 saw a rise to 9.80/90 percent, up from 9.75/90 percent. Similarly, the bond maturing on 15.02.2028 was quoted at 10.20/25 percent, slightly higher than the previous 10.15/25 percent.
Other bonds also recorded small increases, including the 15.10.2028 bond, which rose to 10.50/55 percent from 10.45/55 percent. The bond maturing on 01.05.2028 was quoted at 10.35/45 percent, up from 10.35/40 percent. The 15.09.2029 bond remained unchanged at 10.75/85 percent, while the bond maturing on 15.05.2030 was quoted at 11.00/10 percent, also unchanged.