Business Economics

Sri Lanka Tea Production Down Despite May Increase

Sri Lanka’s tea production shows a mixed picture:

  • May 2024: Tea production increased by 14% compared to April 2024.
  • Year-to-Date (YTD): Production is down by 8.5% compared to May 2023.
  • Breakdown by Elevation:
    • High-grown: Sharpest decline (18.6% YoY) due to hot and dry weather.
    • Medium-grown: Down 8.9% YoY.
    • Low-grown: Marginal decline (3.4% YoY), performing best among categories.

Overall, YTD production is lower across all elevations compared to 2023.

  • Low-grown: Down 6% YoY.
  • High-grown: Down significantly due to early year weather conditions.
  • Medium-grown: Down to a lesser extent.

Key Takeaways:

  • The tea industry faces challenges, including weather variability.
  • Growers and stakeholders need to adapt to changing climatic conditions to ensure long-term productivity.