Breaking News Tech

Sri Lankans Targeted by Cyber Scam Centres in Myanmar: Defence Ministry Warns

The Defence Ministry has issued a warning about the growing number of Sri Lankans, especially those staying in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), being trafficked into cyber scam centres in Myanmar. The National Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (NAHTTF) has received reliable information that an increasing number of Sri Lankans are being recruited for these illegal operations.

The traffickers primarily target IT professionals, offering high-paying job opportunities abroad. Once these individuals are lured under the false promise of employment, they are often sent to locations such as Dubai for job interviews. However, they are subsequently forced into working in cyber scam centres in Myanmar, where they are subjected to mental and physical abuse, including electrocution.

The NAHTTF has strongly warned against illegal migration, emphasizing that it not only violates the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment Act but also exposes individuals to extreme danger. The task force advises jobseekers to avoid travelling on visit visas and to seek legal migration channels.

The NAHTTF urges the public to:

  • Pursue safe, legal migration through authorized channels.
  • Stay vigilant and report any suspicious trafficking activities.
  • Protect vulnerable individuals by alerting relevant authorities about potential risks to Sri Lankan workers abroad.

For reporting any suspicious activities, the public can contact:

  • Phone: 0112102570 / 076 844 7700
  • Email:

The NAHTTF assures that all information provided will be kept confidential.