The head of a GCE Ordinary Level Examination center in the Vavuniya education zone has been suspended following allegations of irregularities. The accusations include distributing question papers to certain candidates moments before the scheduled time and collecting answer sheets from another group of students thirty minutes earlier than scheduled. These actions have raised concerns about the integrity of the examination process and prompted an investigation initiated by officers from the Zonal Education Office in response to multiple complaints.
As a result of the investigation, the individual’s services as the examination center head have been suspended pending further inquiries. This move underscores the seriousness with which education authorities are addressing any perceived breaches of examination protocols. Steps have also been initiated to conduct a disciplinary inquiry into the alleged irregularities, ensuring a thorough examination of the situation and appropriate actions based on the findings.
The incident highlights the importance of maintaining the integrity and fairness of examination processes, particularly in educational settings. Authorities are taking proactive measures to address any instances of misconduct or irregularities promptly and transparently, demonstrating a commitment to upholding standards and ensuring a level playing field for all students participating in examinations within the Vavuniya education zone.