Matara General Hospital has welcomed a significant upgrade with the installation of a state-of-the-art CT scanner worth Rs. 200 million, replacing its 17-year-old predecessor. Spearheaded by Health and Industry Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana and Health Secretary Dr. Palitha Mahipala, the installation ceremony marked a pivotal moment in enhancing diagnostic capabilities at the hospital. With an allocation of Rs. 20 million for minor development works and a substantial commitment of Rs. 1 billion earmarked for the construction of a new facility next year, the hospital is poised for transformative growth in healthcare infrastructure.
The new CT scanner, provided by the Health Ministry, is anticipated to bolster efficiency, aiming to conduct 40 to 50 scans daily, thus alleviating long waiting times for patients in need of diagnostic imaging services. This upgrade marks a departure from the previous scanner, which relied on salvaged parts and managed around 50 scans daily over the past years. Minister Pathirana’s visit not only marked the installation of this crucial equipment but also underscored a broader commitment to improving healthcare services nationwide.
During the visit, Minister Pathirana emphasized the importance of ongoing monitoring of development projects and pledged further support to address pressing needs, including the shortage of medical equipment and staff. With an eye on the future, the commitment of Rs. 1 billion for hospital expansion signals a promising trajectory for Matara General Hospital, reaffirming its pivotal role in delivering quality healthcare to the region.