
Sri Lanka’s Airports Authority Soars to New Heights with Record Revenue

Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited (AASL), a state-owned company, has achieved remarkable success in 2023. Their annual report, released on May 31, 2024, showcases record-breaking revenue and a significant contribution to the Sri Lankan government.

Financial Highlights:

  • Total Revenue: Rs. 38,376 Million
  • Profit After Tax (PAT): Rs. 28,122 Million
  • Contribution to Government: Rs. 12,218 Million (up from Rs. 1,983 Million in 2022)

Operational Performance:

  • Increased International Passenger Movements: 7,548,646 in 2023 (compared to 5,503,198 in 2022)
  • International Aircraft Movements: 46,639
  • Cargo Movements: 158,911 MT
  • Overflying Movements: 35,506

Commitment to Transparency and Efficiency:

AASL takes pride in publishing its 2023 Annual Report in all three languages (as mandated by the Good Corporate Governance Act) well ahead of deadlines, demonstrating transparency and efficiency.

Looking Ahead:

AASL, under the leadership of Chairman Eng. Athula Galketiya, goes beyond core airport operations. They provide crucial services to international airlines, manage infrastructure, and ensure passenger safety through search and rescue, firefighting, and aviation security across all Sri Lankan international airports.

Chairman Galketiya emphasized AASL’s unwavering commitment to shaping and safeguarding Sri Lanka’s aviation industry through its multifaceted responsibilities.

This impressive performance by AASL signifies a positive outlook for Sri Lanka’s aviation sector, contributing to the nation’s economic growth and international connectivity.